Brier Rose and Tinkerbell
Last week we took the kids to Disney on Ice. We even got to go with Shane, Cali and Shali and it was so much fun. Makenna and Shali really enjoyed it and it was fun to go together. We met up and then went to Carl's Jr for dinner and then went up to the show. They had Lilo and Stitch, Ariel, The Lion King and Peter Pan. It was so cute and lots of fun. Kason even did well. He loved to jump to the music. It was so cute. So anyways here are some pics! Sorry there's a lot!

Makenna and Shali at the show

Weston, Kason, Katrina and Makenna.

Kason had on a cute Pirate shirt for the show

Timon. (Or is it Pumba? I need to brush up on my Disney shows. I know all about princess' but I need to review the others it seems like!) We had really good seats so we got to see everything up close. It was great!

Nala and Simba

Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck

Minnie Mouse

Ariel and Flounder

Ariel and Prince Eric

The London Tower and the cast.

Kason fell asleep after the intermission. He was so tired.

Peter Pan, Wendy, John and I can't remember the other little boy's name!

Captain Hook and Smee. I didn't get a picture of the Lost Boys but they looked so cute. Oh and all the pirates too.
