Last week was insanely crazy. We got back from our vacation and we were trying to get everything clean and ready for Makenna's birthday party. She turned two last week! I can't believe that she is so big! She is so much fun and we love her so much! She is just the sweetest girl to be around. I still call her my baby but I am starting to realize that she is no longer a baby and it makes me so sad. But I just have to keep looking forward to all the things that she is always learning to do. She is always keeping us laughing. So here are some pictures of her birthday.
Swinging in the big girl swing.
She found this fountain and had fun playing on it.
I don't think it works though. We could never get any water to come out.
Weston met us at the park for a picnic lunch.
Isn't she getting so big!?
Well here are some pics from her birthday party. Thanks to everyone that came and spoiled her. She had so much fun!
Some of her cousins eating birthday cake.
Makenna and Shali in her new wagon
Such a big girl on her new bike!
I made these little favor's that were called cupcake pops. They were a little cupcake dipped in chocolate then put on a sucker stick. They turned out pretty cute I thought.
Happy Birthday Makenna! We love you!