Monday, August 3, 2009


I have had this big list of things that I wanted to do over the summer. Well guess what? It's August and we haven't crossed anything off that list! One of the things on the list was to go swimming. So on Saturday we went to the Legacy Center and took Makenna swimming. She was very hesitant at first and didn't want to do anything but watch the people. But she started to warm up and her favorite thing was the big bucket dumping. She would get so excited and stop whatever she was doing just to watch it. She would just scream while it was dumping because she thought it was so cool. I was glad to finally get something crossed off the list.

Just hanging out on the side of the pool

In the little bouncy chairs

She kept wanting to go dry off on her towel.

Makenna and I just hanging out

She wouldn't sit in the chair and bounce. She just liked standing up in it.



That Makenna is really cute

Sarah said...

Looks like fun! Where is that???