Well I hope everyone had a great Christmas. We sure did. We all got really spoiled. Makenna was really spoiled and got the cutest little doll and stroller set. It came with a doll, stroller, bassinet, car carrier and a diaper bag filled with accessories. She was so excited she couldn't contain herself. And all I can say is that the baby and stroller has been everywhere with us ever since. She is all girl and just way to cute. Well we hope everyone had a great Christmas and has a happy and safe New Year!
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Tis the Season...
for colds, flu's and everything else. So in the last month Makenna has come down with two colds and the stomach flu that lasted a week. Then last week we took Makenna in for her flu shot and she broke out in hives. Did anyone know that the flu shot was made from eggs? I sure didn't and no one told me it was when she received it. And guess what? Makenna has an egg allergy. Now I had suspected that she did because she would throw up or break out around the mouth when I would feed her eggs so I just simply didn't feed them to her. Well now because she had that flu shot her allergy is a lot worse. We ended up taking her to see a food allergist on Friday. They did a skin prick test with egg whites and egg yolks. She reacted to both but was worse with the yolk. But either way an egg is an egg so now we have to stay away from them. But they told us to just stay away from eggs all together and flu shots. We can give her benedryl if she gets the hives again and they gave us a prescription for an epipen if she has a serious reaction. Just another thing that we have to carry around in the diaper bag. But we just hope that we wont ever have to use it. And hopefully she gets feeling better from everything that she has come down with. She has not been a very happy girl lately. Lets just hope she's feeling better for Christmas!
Monday, December 1, 2008
Thanksgiving, birthdays and lots of fun
Wow was this weekend crazy! So much going on and so much to be thankful for. The number one thing I'm thankful for is Weston and Makenna. I can't even remember the last time that we spent so much time together. Weston is so busy with work and school and when I work nights I don't think we ever see each other. But it was so much fun putting up Christmas lights and spending Thanksgiving dinner together. We also took Makenna to Kangaroo Zoo to play one day. It took her awhile to warm up to it but once she did she didn't want to leave. We also celebrated Weston's birthday with a nice quite dinner at Tucano's. Well it was quite in the sense that we didn't have Makenna with us but the restaurant was busy and then they came out and sang to Weston. The told him to get up and dance. It was pretty hilarious. So Happy Birthday to the best husband in the world and I can't wait to spend some more time together during Christmas break.
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Okay so everyone might think I'm a little crazy or dorky but I was so excited for Twilight to come out this weekend I could hardly stand it. You should have seen how excited I was the last hour before the movie. I wasn't for sure I could last any longer. But I made it and I had the cutest shirt to wear to the movie. It said "Bite Me (Edward Only Please)" And yes, after watching the show I would let Edward bite me! He was so cute and my favorite scene of the movie was when he and Bella arrived at school together. He walked around the car to open the door for her and he looked so good in his sunglasses and he had the cutest smile. I can't wait to watch it again. I keep trying to get Weston to take me but I don't think that will happen. Oh well. I'll just have to have another girls night out. Oh and my favorite band Linkin Park is on the soundtrack. I love there song Leave out all the Rest. Well I better get going and go find my real life Edward. I kind of think Weston has some characteristics of Edward. The dark hair, sideburns, eyebrows and those big round eyes. He has the longest fullest eyelashes too. Now if only I could get him to do his hair all cute and messy!
Monday, November 3, 2008
Halloween Cutie
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Top 10
Okay so we finally got into our house this weekend! So exciting!!! And I was just thinking about all the things that I love about our new house. So here they are in no particular order.
1- The new paint and new carpet smell
2- Nice big pantry
3- Nice new carpet that I can run my fingers and toes through
4- A two car garage
5- Being able to finally get off my side of the bed! (Imagine me being 8 months pregnant and rolling over Weston every time I had to pee. That was a sight to see!)
6- Houses for neighbors instead of a parking lot
7- A place for all my scrapbook supplies
8- A living room and a family room. Now our guests won't trip over toys when they come to the front door!
9- A walk in closet
10- Being able to decorate our new house
So now that I have thought about everything I love about our new house I am kind of sad about leaving our old place. Even though it was an old rental that always smelled bad, (no matter what we did to try and fix that), it was the perfect house for us as newlyweds. We had great memories that we will always remember. The thing that I am going to miss most about living there is the amazing neighbors that were across the street. They were the best neighbors that we will ever have and we are going to definitely miss them. Especially Makenna. Even though they were family they are our best friends. So we are definitely going to miss Shane, Cali and Shali. All the shared dinners, walks to the park and midnight phone calls for help. Thanks for being the greatest neighbors ever!
1- The new paint and new carpet smell
2- Nice big pantry
3- Nice new carpet that I can run my fingers and toes through
4- A two car garage
5- Being able to finally get off my side of the bed! (Imagine me being 8 months pregnant and rolling over Weston every time I had to pee. That was a sight to see!)
6- Houses for neighbors instead of a parking lot
7- A place for all my scrapbook supplies
8- A living room and a family room. Now our guests won't trip over toys when they come to the front door!
9- A walk in closet
10- Being able to decorate our new house
So now that I have thought about everything I love about our new house I am kind of sad about leaving our old place. Even though it was an old rental that always smelled bad, (no matter what we did to try and fix that), it was the perfect house for us as newlyweds. We had great memories that we will always remember. The thing that I am going to miss most about living there is the amazing neighbors that were across the street. They were the best neighbors that we will ever have and we are going to definitely miss them. Especially Makenna. Even though they were family they are our best friends. So we are definitely going to miss Shane, Cali and Shali. All the shared dinners, walks to the park and midnight phone calls for help. Thanks for being the greatest neighbors ever!
Thursday, October 23, 2008
I was tagged by Ashley because I love chocolate and cheescake! Okay, here are the rules: Go to your pictures, go to your 6th folder, pull up your 6th picture and post it! Here is what I found:

This is Makenna after one of her baths. Isn't she so cute!
Okay now I tag anyone who likes to scrapbook. (or make cards)!
Saturday, October 18, 2008
I just can't believe that it was snowing before Halloween. Crazy weather! Well when we woke up last Sunday to snow I had to get Makenna dressed up in her cute snowsuit so we could go play before church. I knew that it would melt before we could get home. So here are some cute pictures of her. I need to get her snow gloves and boots for christmas. She didn't like her little knit ones that got wet.
Monday, October 6, 2008
State Fair
Okay so I know this was a month ago, I am just being really slow putting the pictures up. But better late then never! So we went to the state fair and it was so much fun. Makenna loved the animals and the big slide. She road it three times! She also got to ride a little tractor that was so cute. It was a fun night out as a family so here are a few pics.
Friday, October 3, 2008
Painting, painting and more painting. So can you guess what I've been doing lately? Well that and also the washing of the walls before hand, tearing down ugly wall paper and taping. Who knew this was going to be such a project? (Well, besides everyone else in the world that has done). Although this is lots to do I am having so much fun doing it. I guess it's just doesn't seem so bad because you want to work hard because you actually own the place. And you can be proud of all the work you did on it. So we are keeping extremely busy right now but totally enjoying it. If everything goes well we will try and move in, in two weeks!!! I can't wait! I am so excited to just sleep our first night there. Thanks also to everyone that has been helping us with the house and with babysitting. We couldn't do it with out you!
Sunday, September 21, 2008
So we finally got our house! The loan went through, we signed the papers and we got the keys!! Life is good. Now we just have to work on getting that grandma wall paper down so we can paint and move in! So much work to do and so little time. Oh well, I'll stay up all night if I have to. I am just too excited to wait much longer to move in!!! When we get things painted and decorated I will post pictures for everyone to see. I can't wait!!!
Saturday, August 30, 2008
The Rumors are True
So I don't know what anyone has heard yet but yes we are moving. Sad and exciting. We haven't told too many people yet becuase 1- I just can't believe that it's really happening and 2- if it doesn't end up happening I don't want to get my hopes up and then have to tell everyone that we're really not moving. But things have all been going smoothly and quickly and if they all work out we will close on the house on September 8th. That's only in 10 days! It is all so crazy and scary. We have been renting one of my in-laws houses since we got married 3 years ago and it has been great. Great rent and we have the best neighbors right across the street, Shane and Cali. We are definatly going to miss them, although I'm sure they will be glad to get rid of us. We are always calling them in the middle of the night for something and Makenna and I always bug them sometime through out the day just to say hi or go for a walk. But it will be nice to have a place that we won't be so cramped in and Makenna will have a nice big backyard to play in that we won't have to worry about the gravel parking lot or the bus route. So the next couple months might be crazy if we get this house. We want to paint before we move in and clean the carpets and all this while I work part time at nights and Weston will start up school next week. Crazy but fun. We were going to wait tell Weston was done with school in April to get a place but it just seemed like everything was working out in our favor and pointing us in this direction for now so we are just going to keep working towards this. I am so excited for a place to decorate but I'm a little worried about the cleaning part. It was 3 bathrooms. If there is one thing I can't stand to clean it is bathrooms. But I am just so happy to be getting this place that I will clean them to just to have them. Oh and the best part of the house is I will finally have a scrapbook room!!! Yah!!! (Well Weston doesn't know it yet but I think we can share his computer room! Don't you?) Well I will keep you guys posted. If we get it or we don't. I guess we will know in 10 days! Oh and it is in Lehi so we won't be far. Just a little further down Main Street.
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Summer Days
I just had to post thse pictures of Makenna and her cousins. We went swimming right before they went back to school and Makenna had so much fun. We went to the Scera pool in Orem. They had the cutest slides and so many different things that squirted water. Oh and aren't her little flip flops the cutest!
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Such an example
I just had to share with you all what a great mother Katrina is. From the picture you can tell that she loves spending time with Makenna. I saw them both out in the garden and had to sneak a picture of them working side by side. She is such an example to me and Makenna. Everyone who knows Makenna, knows that she is very observant and picks up on everything and that is why Katrina is such a great example and mother to her. She won't ever admit it but she works really hard to make me and Makenna's life better. What a perfect mother and wife for our family. She is probably going to kill me when she finds that I wrote this about her but it is well worth it to let you all know how much she is appreciated in our family.
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Makenna walking
Makenna finally started walking on July 10th! 2 days before she was 14 months. It is just the cutest thing ever! We have tons of video and pictures and I just had to post this video of her. Weston is the best husband ever. He had to download the video to our computer so I could put this up. (I couldn't figure it out!) Now I know what everyone's been talking about saying she will get into everything. But she is just too cute to even care. She is getting really good at walking now and that is all she did on Sunday at church. She just walks up and down the halls and through the gym. She loves it when she has a big open room and can just walk tell something stops her. She doesn't have that freedom at our house. She takes three steps and can walk to almost anything! Someday we'll get into a place that has a little more room for her to play in. Well tell next time!
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Memories of Me (or us)
My friend Nicole did this on her blog and I thought it was a lot of fun so here ya go.
1. As a comment on my blog, leave one memory that you and I had together. It doesn't matter if you knew me a little or a lot, anything you remember!
2. Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you. If you leave a memory about me, I'll assume you're playing the game and I'll come to your blog and leave one about you. If you don't want to play on your blog, or if you don't have a blog, I'll leave my memory of you in my comments.
1. As a comment on my blog, leave one memory that you and I had together. It doesn't matter if you knew me a little or a lot, anything you remember!
2. Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you. If you leave a memory about me, I'll assume you're playing the game and I'll come to your blog and leave one about you. If you don't want to play on your blog, or if you don't have a blog, I'll leave my memory of you in my comments.
So much to say
Hi everybody! So much has been going on lately and I have been slacking on the blogging so I have so much to say. Well first of all and most importantly is Makenna started walking!!! Finally! At two days before she turned 14 months she started walking. It is the cutest thing ever! She still is very careful when she walks and holds onto things when she can but she is so cute! She was even running from me when we told her we were leaving my parents house the other night. It was so cute! I couldn't stop laughing.
Some more new info is that I got a job. It is selling shoes at shoe parties for a company called 4 the love of shoes. You should check out there website at 4theloveofshoes.com I just drive to where ever they tell me to and set up a display and sell shoes. It has been so much fun. The only hard part is pulling the trailer with all the shoes in it and backing it up. But I'm learning and it will be good to know how. I just do it at nights and on Saturdays so then I don't have to be away from Makenna too much. And they pay really good too so that's the best thing. I am going to save every penny so we can have a good down payment when we ever get into a house. That is my goal so hopefully it will work out well.
Well, we also just got back from the cabin on Sunday and that was fun. Makenna loved the four-wheeler. There is a cute picture of her walking at the cabin I will have to post. I am trying to get Weston to figure out how to put video on so I can show Makenna walking. We weren't very smart and didn't get any pictures of her walking. Just video. But it is so cute. Well tell next time!
p.s. Okay you have to check out Stephenie Meyer's website. I put the link on the side of our blog. I am obsessed with the Twilight books and they have quotes everyday from the new book and they have a count down tell the book comes out. Oh and I started her new book The Host at the cabin and it is really good too. But not as good as Twilight. I don't think anything can beat those books! I am totally team Edward too for anyone that didn't know! I don't know how you couldn't know!
Monday, June 30, 2008
This last week was so crazy. Weston's brother went into the MTC on Wednesday and then it was Round-up week. So needless to say it was a crazy week last week with something every day and night. But Makenna was so stinking cute! She went to the rodeo two nights in a row and loved it. She would just giggle and clap at everything. And she is just a people watcher so she just enjoyed being in a crowd of people. Her favorite part of the rodeo was the motorcycles. She just loved it and squealed at them. She was cute. We had her dressed up in the cutest denim skirt and the most adorable pink boots. It was so much fun. She also loved the parades. She watched them both and had so much fun going after all the candy that was thrown at us. We are lucky enough to live on the parade route so we had awesome seats for the parade. Then on Saturday we took her to the park to play. She went on a pony ride, petted all the animals at the petting zoo and then she rode on the swings. That was her favorite part. She absolutely loved it and wanted to go again and again. It definitely was a busy week but it was such a fun week spending all the time together as a family. Makenna loves getting to hang out with her dad so much. So it was a great week. Well tell next time!
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Hogle Zoo
Today we went to the zoo and it was so much fun! Hot but fun. It was Makenna's first time and she loved it. The Giraffe's and the Ducks were her favorite. She would point to them and make her little "eh, eh" noise. It was so cute. And Weston taught her how to growl like a bear or tiger and so she has been doing that all day. I just went in to check on her (she is supposed to be napping, but of course she isn't) and she growled at me. It was pretty cute. It was lots of fun. Hopefully we can do some more fun things this summer. It is crazy with Weston in school so we take every chance we can get to do some things as a family. But it sure is fun!
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Makenna's Birthday
So our little baby girl just turned one! I can't believe how fast she is growing up. She is just the cutest thing ever! She opened all her presents and ate her cake. She was so cute. After she opened a present she would clap at herself. It was so funny. But she had the best first birthday. Her party was Princess themed because she is our little princess. She even had a cute little tiara. She didn't wear it for too long but it did look cute while she wore it. Well I am going to see if I can figure out how to put up some pictures. I am really having a hard time figuring out this blog stuff. But I'll just keep trying. Wish me luck and if anyone has any pointers I could use them!
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